Sunday, June 28, 2009

Reading List: Tyranny of the Night

Glen Cook is one of my favorite authors. He ranks up there right behind Scott Lynch as a matter of fact. Mr Cook brings a stark realism to even the most outlandish of fantasy stories. He does simply by making the story about the people and not the champions like every other fantasy novel does. Tyranny of the Night is no exception. He brings back the style that made him an international best seller with his Black Company series. Tyranny of the Night is about a soldier named Else Tage. He is sent by his Warlord to infiltrate and spy on the lands to the west so that his country can anticipate when the rulers of the western kingdoms will try to raise an army to purge his country from what the world believes to be the Holy Lands. Unbeknown to his leaders, Else is attacked by and actually kills a minor god, one of many that plague this world during the night. Not only does Else have to play the spy game and keep himself from being revealed to his new comrades and employers, but he also has to watch out for the wrath of the gods. It did take me a while to get into this book. Like most of his novels, Glen Cook really develops the characters and their homelands to great detail. One really has to pay attention when reading this book or you can easily become lost in the vast amount of details and actions of the many involved parties int he story. Once I got everyone down, where they were from and what their motivations were, this book become very enjoyable, that and the fact that the plot evolved from the intrigue to actual battles and so forth. It can be a little overwhelming but Tyranny of the Night is a very good read.

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